On the road again!
Last week I had to say bye to keytoon.I am moving to London looking for new carrer goals.I just want to learn as much as possible and give the best of me.The most apassionate thing of this job is that you have to keep learning all the time.
On the road again! One more time I am moving to a diferent place and this make me remain all the times I have been in the same situation and all the chances that live has been giving to me before that.And that is great , the chance to meet amazing people I have meet all along the way.
This is a very small industry but gets you great friens!!
Ofcourse one of the worst disappointmets is When you have to say goodbye to the friends you have made.And that's what I felt las week in keytoon.
Is hard to explain how awesome different becomes to work in a place like Keytoon, a place where I just get friens, I enjoyed working and learned lots of things.I am sure that will be hard to find a place as easy going and profesional place as keytoon.
I hope everithig is comming will be great for the Keytooners, see you soon!!
May the force be with you...keytooners
See you soon guys.
I also have included several works I made in keytoon along all this time and some pictures from the keytoon crew. :)
Pues eso que se terminaron las comidas en el Sami's ,los cereales en el curro,futurama en los sofas rojos , la terracita en verano,las visitas al 10,el pollo de carrefour y vuestra compañia , un abrazo a todos y hasta pronto.