
Sunday, December 31, 2006

WIP -Space characters

Happy new year!!
This is the last illustration I have been working this weekend.That is a personal work and probably will take me a lot of time to finish.Actually I have moved to work in London and I don´t have to much time to work in my personal proyects , any way i hope to finish that one soon.
This is my last post of the year!! see u next year!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Keytoon works and pictures

These are some designs I made in the last times when I was in keytoon ,I have included several pictures from the team.
You can see more about keytoon visiting his new blog.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

See you soon keytooners

On the road again!

Last week I had to say bye to keytoon.I am moving to London looking for new carrer goals.I just want to learn as much as possible and give the best of me.The most apassionate thing of this job is that you have to keep learning all the time.

On the road again! One more time I am moving to a diferent place and this make me remain all the times I have been in the same situation and all the chances that live has been giving to me before that.And that is great , the chance to meet amazing people I have meet all along the way.

This is a very small industry but gets you great friens!!

Ofcourse one of the worst disappointmets is When you have to say goodbye to the friends you have made.And that's what I felt las week in keytoon.

Is hard to explain how awesome different becomes to work in a place like Keytoon, a place where I just get friens, I enjoyed working and learned lots of things.I am sure that will be hard to find a place as easy going and profesional place as keytoon.

I hope everithig is comming will be great for the Keytooners, see you soon!!

May the force be with you...keytooners

See you soon guys.

I also have included several works I made in keytoon along all this time and some pictures from the keytoon crew. :)

Pues eso que se terminaron las comidas en el Sami's ,los cereales en el curro,futurama en los sofas rojos , la terracita en verano,las visitas al 10,el pollo de carrefour y vuestra compañia , un abrazo a todos y hasta pronto.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Strawberry Pie animation short video

Ayer mi corto Strawberry Pie fue nominado para el festival de Court Metrage de Evreux en Francia.
Para el que no lo haya visto todavia pues aqui esta,para más información sobre el corto visitar el archivo de Febrero 2006.
Here is my short film .If you have not seen it yet , here it is!
Yesterday my animation short were nomitated for the Evreux Film festival.You can see more information about the short in my files of Febrary 2006.
  • Strawberry pie comment
  • Monday, September 11, 2006


    At last! Before a long time without posting and lefting my blog so boring... I have finished this illustration started a long long time ago.If you see the wip of the illustration you will percieve some changes that I made trying to get the best .Probably the composition is no pretty good but well , next time will be better.I hope you enjoy it .

    Por fin!!! despues de un monton de tiempo sin actualizar nada en el blog he terminado esta ilustracion que empece ni se sabe cuando y tenia más que abandonada.Un trabajo personal de esos a medio hacer que nunca se terminan y que por fin se lo quita uno de encima.La composición no es lo mejor del mundo pero bueno , la proxima vez lo tendré más en cuenta.Espero que os guste .

    Se terminaron las vacaciones...

    Thursday, July 27, 2006

    Premio Curt Ficcions Yelmo Cineplex 2006

    El martes pasado asistí a la clausura del "Curt Fiicions" Yelmo Cineplex 2006 en el que estaba premiado mi corto "Strawberry Pie".La verdad es que la organización del festival fue una autentica pasada ya no solo por la clausura con los premios y la

    gente,también por la labor que han hecho proyectando los cortos ganadores por salas de toda España.Pensar que mi corto se ha visto en una sala antes de películas de animación como "La novia cadaver" o "Edad del hielo 2"es una autentica pasada.También me ha dado la oportunidad de conocer a gente del mundo del corto como la gente de Rlux a los que mando un saludo desde aqui (Como no via blog como les dije)a los que pude conocer un poco mejor en el viaje de vuelta de Barcelona,el viaje más friki que he tenido en mi vida ,todo el tiempo hablando de comics ,pelis, animación,cortos... de lo más entretenido.Adjunto una foto del premio,
    pero que bonito que es...

    Wednesday, July 12, 2006


    This is a concept of a farm I made in Keytoon.
    I have some characters I would like to show but not yet , We will have to wait to see the evolution of the project.

    Thursday, June 29, 2006

    Disney Channel backgrounds

    These are four backgrounds I made in keytoon for Disney Channel .You have to see the animation!!!
    You can see all the spots in the Keytoon web gallery . I designed the crab and David Cuevas made the model,The rigging that Luis San juan made was amazing and the shadding and render was done by Jonatan Catalan(Great job Joni!!)

    This one was animated by David Cuevas

    This is Johnatan Cuevas´s animation

    This was animated by Alex Mateo

    This was animated by Dani Peixe

    You can see the flash animatics in the Dani Peixe blog(

    Monday, June 19, 2006

    Pixar Exhibit, Science Museum

    Toni was there!!!Closer than ever of pixar art... sketches, drawings , animations and the ZOOTROPE!!!! WHAT A WONDERFULL THING.You have to see it , nobody can tell you about it!

    Disney Channel, character design and modeling

    Last Christmas the Keytoon team were involved in the development of several spots for Disney Channel.
    Finally one of them was nominated for the PROMAX AWARDS.This is an small rabbit I designed and modeled for this spot ;My friends of the Keytoon team made the amazing lighting, rigging and animation work.
    You can see the final animation in the keytoon gallery (

    Sunday, March 12, 2006


    Sketches of batman .I put color in some of their with Photoshop looking for diferent styles.
    Algunos bocetos de Batman que al final he
    coloreado con Photoshop probando estilos diferentes.

    Sunday, February 26, 2006

    SKETCHES !!!

    Algunos diseños hechos para producciones de Keytoon y bocetos personales


    There are several sketches I made a long time ago , I have lots of them and I will try to scan some of them .This is a cartoon version of "Star Wars".The other one is a sheet with sketches of a little pig I made for Keytoon Animation Studios.

    "Strawberry Pie"

    This is my first animation short.I made this short when I was in the university of Balearic Island coursing computer animation(MAISCA). I hope you will enjoy with this short and funny tale.

    This Animation, has won the best animation short in the "FESTCURT"festival(1-7-05) and has been nominated in the "International Festival of Elx(3-7-05).Best First work(Opera Prima Winner) in Dervio International Animation Festival"Per la freschezza che accompagna i due divertenti personaggi e di come hanno risolto, alla maniera di Georges Méliès, le avversità che si frapponevano alla loro unione".(9-8-05).Prenominated in the Goya awards(2006).Nominated in monbegno film festival.ART Futura Nomination 2005.Winner in the cineplex awards 2006.

    "Un ragazzo tranquillo vive in una casa in cima a una collina. Un giorno arriva una nuova vicina e il giovane cerca di darle il benvenuto, ma questo non sarà un compito facile… "Somehow I find this Italian sinopsys of my short and I kept it.

    Recorte de prensa: (La voz de Galicia)

    El amor se «anima»
    Exposición «Píxeles y corazones. Historias de amor en animación 3D»
    Píxeles y corazones. Historias de amor en animación 3D, no es una exposición al uso. Con ramificaciones en el mundo del cine, la animación y la tecnología reúne una selección de trabajos presentes en el circuito internacional de creación artística más vanguardista. El centro On de Caixa Galicia de A Coruña acoge esta exposición, semanas antes de la apertura de su nueva sede en los Cantones coruñeses. Las cuatro piezas que se exhiben destacan por su notable carga emocional, un aspecto que dista de la frialdad normalmente asociada a este formato. Idilios imposibles En estos trabajos el amor cobra formas distintas que se adapta a las normas del mundo digital para mostrar idilios imposibles, sorprendentes, no correspondidos y también de autoestima, dicen los organizadores. Las piezas exhibidas son El perro que tenía un gato dentro de Siri Melchior, Strawberry pie de Antonio Reyna, Ukelele de Jon Schroth y Magnetism de Nye Warburton. Dentro de ciclo La muestra se enmarca en el ciclo de exposiciones del certamen Mundos Digitales 2006 y podrá verse hasta el 19 de marzo en la sala Imaxinarte, ubicada en el Centro On de Caixa Galicia en A Coruña.

    Some art and work procces of the short:

    Saturday, February 25, 2006

    Old works!!

    Wellcome!!Maybe the best way to start with my blog gallery is with some of my old works.I will try to keep this blog updated.